The interview is an opportunity for you and interviewer to determine if the job is right for you. It’s also your chance to sell yourself. Preparing for the interview is critical for your success, because a good interview will improve your chances of employment, but a great interview can secure the position.

  • 1. Be on time. Arrive 10 to 15 minutes early for the interview.
  • 2. Turn off your mobile phone before you arrive for the interview.
  • 3. Treat everyone you meet as if they are the interviewers. This can never hurt your chances and will help you maintain a positive attitude even if you determine you are not interested in the position.
  • 4. Remember that you are selling your capabilities. Be prepared to discuss your professional accomplishments.
  • 5. Remember that you are always interviewing, no matter how casual the setting or conversation may be.
  • 6. Send each interviewer a timely thank you letter.